A Random and Miscellaneous Life
A blog about the everyday happenings of me, myself and I…

Archive for the ‘Movie Geekness’ Category

Here and There

August 27, 2008

When I die, I’m convinced my obituary will read something like this: A dear, sweet girl who had few friends, Caitlin was tragically smushed on her way home from work by a massive truck with a six inch lift package.   The driver of the truck has not been located, but he may still be dragging […]


August 21, 2008

Done!  Done, done, done, done, done! I put in the last of the backstitching and MAN, does it feel good to have it done.   I loved working this one, but backstitching those borders made me want to hang myself a little. So what do I do now?   Well, thankfully, I ordered a whole bunch of […]

Shoplifters of the World, Unite and Take Over

August 2, 2008

We went to the bar on Friday for Cat’s birthday and someone there must have broken up with their significant other recently, because there was an awful lot of maudlin music playing on the jukebox.   The hole in the wall, comfy bar that we usually go to doesn’t exactly have a wide variety of music […]

Just So You Guys Know…

July 29, 2008

SOMEONE had better be coming with me to see The Big Lebowski on the big screen at the Inwood on August 15th since I’m too damn late to catch The Goonies. Somebody?   …Anybody? Sigh.